Kopi Panggung Al Ambiak now are the worldwide trending coffee. Based from natural herbs ingredients now our formulation starting give the effects that will help some of mens out there.
Based from NATURAL HERBS with 3 main ingredients :-


We already know our environment, foods and some bad habits like smoking and alcoholic will harms our reputation while performing with our partner. Some of us had premature ejaculation (PE) problem and become worst if you are facing erectile dysfunction (ED).
On the research that was done its shown most of them based from diabetes, heart disease, obesity, multiple sclerosis, tobacco uses, enlarge prostate gland and seventy-two percent of men diagnosed with alcohol dependence syndrome were diagnosed with sexual dysfunction. This includes premature ejaculation and ED.
Standard treatments include pharmaceutical medications, vacuum pumps, implants, and surgery, but many men prefer natural options. Research has found that some natural options can improve your ED symptoms.
For your information, actually our formulation when we found it we dont expected that it will solve some mens problem out there because this formulation is for the diabetes people to reduce their blood sugar and balance their meals and also to clear some of plumbum inside their blood vessel.
On our research also when you consume 10 sachets at least for a month its might help you to reduce your blood sugar, stabilize your high blood pressure also and for your extra information TONGKAT ALI will help you control your stress level.
Here is another benefits you will get once you consume our coffee:-

Made with 3 main ingredients TONGKAT ALI, MACA AND GUARANA.
Weak penile erections or penis less tense and less hardware is a situation when a man is unable to maintain the tension of his penis during sex with a partner.
Despite weak penile erection has been stimulated by their partner, causing the penis is unable to get into the vagina and the pair may not be able to continue having sex. Maybe it happens once in a while but men should take action if the erect penis is weak and less hard.
You probably will only take care of your penis an erection problem when this situation lasted until a few months or a penis you are not able to tense again or impotence. It would be a nightmare if you do not take action.
There are several causes that can be related to health reasons. If you have an erection of the penis weak and less tense, you might have following health problems:
-Diabetes mellitus or heart problems
-Cardiovascular Problems
- Prostate Problems
- High Cholesterol
- Kidney
-Arterioklorosis nervous system disorders
- High blood pressure
- Stroke
- Injury Etc.
In addition, the lifestyle can also be a cause of weak erection such as:
-Poor diet.
-Alcoholic beverages.
-Abuse of drugs.
-Effects of sex stimulant drugs.
-Pressure and stress are strong medicine.
When your actions Penis Erection Weak
For men, the penis is erect and hard is a great thing. When there is a weak penile erection, it warns you to change your lifestyle to be more healthy. Any man who does not want his penis erect and hard.
Erection of the penis weak point you may face other health problems is not just a problem of the penis only. This is a simple guide for you because you always keep an eye on your penis.
You may have heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and risk of heart attack or stroke. Weak penile erection help you detect chronic diseases early.
Take immediate action now while you have chances....
Our coffee is not a medicine that will make sure your weapon will have enough power to shoot. But!!!!! 88% mens out there already have their proven result that consume KOPI PANGGUNG AL AMBIAK will help them gain back their Warrior energy when intercourse. Its a fact!!!!!
Now we have lots of international customer worldwide. Our biggest market is China, Usa, Singapore, Thailand and Dubai. Tongkat Ali root itself have his history for mens internal energy.
Here is some tips for your when you first time drink our coffee.
Most people said 1/3 of a cup already do its job. Others said its work for only 1 small tea spoon ( mix 1 tea spoon with water , milk or chocolate drink )
Its helps balance & increase male hormone naturally. Works within 20 min and last up to 3 days . Get it today and experience yourself, you wont's regret !!!
As per we know AMBIAK ENTERPRISE SDN BHD (AESB) already stop 25gram production since 2013 and all the production only 20gram for the original KOPI PANGGUNG AL AMBIAK #kopisongkok in the market. Every single sachets coffee will expired after 2 years from production. Thats why we are curious of have our coffee expired date on 2019.
We are from AESB never produce KOPI JANTAN TRADISIONAL at our factory and we only have 1 factory only and its located at PEKAN TEROI, YAN, KEDAH, MALAYSIA. please take noted that RED TONGKAT ALI COFFEE packaging not from us unless we announce that we are doing OEM coffee for that certain company.
So hopefully our customer will bewared of counterfeit product out there. To get the original one kindly please find our genuine distributor or agent or can direct call or whatsapp +60194197969/+601135310901 for information.
Here is some picture to identify OUR ORIGINAL TONGKAT ALI COFFEE.
*please take noted no tongkat ali root you can find with the lowest price, there is not TONGKAT ALI come with impossible price. Natural herbs coffee made from high quality to prove the result and not using cheap drugs to gain more profits.
All these product you can get direct from us.
(Original Equipment Manufacturer)
Did we provide OEM service?
Yes we are now provide OEM service to our customer for them to build their own market and branding.
We now have capacity to make big volume coffee to our customer.
Min order for OEM product as low as 10000 sachet for order. For packaging purpose we will directly give to you contact number of packaging company that we suggested or you can bring your own SACHETS ROLLER AND BOX due we just provide the powder and packet the coffee only. Based on your budget and everything under your choice we only have produce based on negotiation have been deal.
All the certificate we just only provided for free for lab test only. For kkm (health certificate) import/export license the fee its under yours. But we will help for application with under your own branding name.
How long you can feel the effect after you drink it?
Normally for normal body its just only take for less than 30 minutes to get the erection but for person who have some illnest problem maybe it will take up to 2 hours. Its depend on how bad your blood flow.
Its it have side effect when consume it?
Some of our beginner customer ask us why feel dizzy and have some healing crisis when drink our coffee and that is because of how bad your blood vessel blocked with the plumbum inside there. Herbs from our coffee will work as active ingredient to clear the blocked but please make sure for first time please 1 sachet divide by 3 times drink.
Do KOPI PANGGUNG AL AMBIAK have certificate or KKM?
As this is coffee in the legal law no right for drinking product to have KKM but before we got counterfeit problem we have KKM ( HEALTH CERTIFICATE) from malaysia health ministry approved that we can export our coffee and we also have LAB TEST reported before we launch our product since 2010. The issue of illegal ingredients is from the counterfeit product. To gain more profits they used cheap and illegal drug to remain same power like herbal used but its will harms yourself if you still consumed it. For the seller you already know the counterfeit product kindly please dont selfish to gain money and not care of customer health. No tongkat ali you can get with the cheap price dont harms yourself.
How to identify the counterfeit/clone product out there?
At the bottom of info you can see the picture and i always state it as original product only 20grams no more 25grams and for best information kindly please call or whatsapp +601135310901
--> 增强体力以更满足您的伴侣吗⁉
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--> 提高性欲和持久吗⁉
--> 增加精子/精液数量以培养更好的新生命吗⁉
--> 解决前列腺问题吗⁉(频尿及夜尿)
tongkatalicoffee 是采用天然草本植物配合而成,換醒沉睡已久的细胞因子,
让您享受再度年轻的感觉, 促进婚姻生活更美滿。
廠家直銷.純天然草藥配方無副作用. 讓每位男性能雄赳赳的做個男子漢. . .男人的性福部落. 馬來西亞國寶全天然草藥東革阿裏咖啡. . 一款全天然草藥功能型東革阿裏咖啡幫助您解決陽萎.提升性能力 . 產品成份:東革阿裏原片粉.瓜拉納.瑪卡.咖啡豆 . . 使用方法:初次服用本咖啡人士. 建議一次服用三分之一包. . . 注是20至克包裝.如果 克包裝即一次服用一包)配150ML開水沖泡. . 提前一小時服用 . 注意事項:飲用此咖啡時.禁止與酒同飲.也不要同時服用中西成藥.心臟衰弱者禁飲!!! . 使用次數: 一星期最好不超過五次. . 適用人羣: 18至60週歲健康成年男士(本款兩個人頭咖啡夫妻都可以喝)
--> 增强体力以更满足您的伴侣吗⁉
--> 更好的勃起及坚硬度吗⁉
--> 提高性欲和持久吗⁉
--> 增加精子/精液数量以培养更好的新生命吗⁉
--> 解决前列腺问题吗⁉(频尿及夜尿)
tongkatalicoffee 是采用天然草本植物配合而成,換醒沉睡已久的细胞因子,
让您享受再度年轻的感觉, 促进婚姻生活更美滿。
廠家直銷.純天然草藥配方無副作用. 讓每位男性能雄赳赳的做個男子漢. . .男人的性福部落. 馬來西亞國寶全天然草藥東革阿裏咖啡. . 一款全天然草藥功能型東革阿裏咖啡幫助您解決陽萎.提升性能力 . 產品成份:東革阿裏原片粉.瓜拉納.瑪卡.咖啡豆 . . 使用方法:初次服用本咖啡人士. 建議一次服用三分之一包. . . 注是20至克包裝.如果 克包裝即一次服用一包)配150ML開水沖泡. . 提前一小時服用 . 注意事項:飲用此咖啡時.禁止與酒同飲.也不要同時服用中西成藥.心臟衰弱者禁飲!!! . 使用次數: 一星期最好不超過五次. . 適用人羣: 18至60週歲健康成年男士(本款兩個人頭咖啡夫妻都可以喝)